Saturday, January 7, 2012

Temple of Ramesses, Beloved by Amun

One of the greatest achievements of humans in the 20th century was, in my opinion, the relocation of Abu Simbel temple. If you ask me, I think this is as big as the steps on the Moon. The temple was relocated because there was built a water dam in Aswan. Unfortunately many other temples were lost for good. In 1264 B.C. started the building of "Temple of Ramesses, beloved by Amun". After the glory comes the decay and everything was lost in the sands. It was discovered in 1814 by the Swiss JL Burckhardt. It was rubbed (this is my opinion) of everything that was money valuable by the Italian exploratory Giovanii Belzoni. Then was the Aswan Dam built and Egypt called for help. The temple was cut in pieces and moved at a safe place. Even the mountain was rebuilt and the solar phenomena still exists. On October 21 and February 21 (61 days before and 61 days after the Winter Solstice), the rays of the sun would penetrate the sanctuary and illuminate the sculptures on the back wall, except for the statue of Ptah, the god connected with the Underworld, who always remained in the dark. UNESCO was the leader organizer in the ’60s Relocation and it was included in the World Heritage list at their 3rd session.

22.336944,31.625556 Click for Google Maps or use numbers on your GPS to navigate.
Wikipedia For more information, links, pictures and many more Wikipedia is the perfect site to be informed.
Official Site For visiting information (like fees and open days and times) use the official site.
Egypt For travel information, the official site of the National Tourist Board, is the perfect location.

Consider că una din cele mai mari realizări ale omenirii în secolul XX, după mine la egalitate cu (controversatul) ajuns pe lună, este mutarea templului de la Abu Simbel, că să nu fie înghiţit de apele Nilului – s-a construit acolo un baraj la Aswan (poate dacă era în zilele noastre nu se construia – spun asta căci, deşi multe temple au fost salvate, unele s-au pierdut, probabil pentru totdeauna). Templul a fost construit timp de 20 de ani, începând din 1264 î.e.n., fiind numit Templul lui Ramses cel iubit de Amun”. Egiptul a decăzut şi templul a fost părăsit şi acoperit de nisipuri. A fost descoperit în 1814 de elveţianul JL Burckhardt. Apoi a fost jefuit (aşa cred eu) de exploratorul italian Giovanni Belzoni. Apoi s-a construit barajul şi Egiptul a cerut ajutorul planetei să fie salvate templele din Nubia. Templul a fost tăiat în bucăţi şi mutat la loc sigur, i s-a construit chiar şi muntele şi au reuşit să reproducă iluminarea soarelui astfel încât, în zilele solstiţiilor, razele solare luminează doar 3 din cele 4 statui din ultima cameră de sub munte. A patra statuie este a zeului Ptah, o zeitate funerară, Ptah-Sokar-Osiris. UNESCO a avut rolul coordonator în mutarea templului şi la a treia sesiune a fost introdus în Patrimoniu.

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