Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Vacation Destinations

CHRISTMAS vacation destinations are largely dependent on which country you come from and what your Christmas interests are. By dependent on which country you come from, I mean your vacation destination would largely depend if you can stand the weather in the other part of the world.

For instance, if you come from Salamanca which is really cold in this time of year, you need to acclimate if you will be spending your Christmas vacation in Phuket. On the other hand, if you come from a tropical country like the Philippines, you need to acclimate if you go to such places as Mt. Hebron in Haifa or Siberia because temperature degrees there in this season range from -5 to -13. That’s real cold and you need to layer yourself with sweaters and pajamas.

Still, there are exceptions. Let’s portray the vacationer from Salamanca. You can still go to a tropical country like the Philippines and stay in higher areas such as Bukidnon because it can be pretty cold out there.

Another factor in determining your choice of Christmas vacation destination is your interest. If you are a religious person, you may want to go to the Holy Land this Christmas season. Or the Vatican itself and join in the midnight mass there with the Pope.

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