In the center part of Copenhagen is a place which name is impossible to say for anyone other than a Danish person: Nyhavn (translated as new port) – it looks like an easy word but it is a mistake to think so. It is a 17th century waterfront, canal and entertainment district stretching from Kongens Nytorv to the harbour front just south of the Royal Playhouse, it is lined by brightly colored 17th and early 18th century townhouses and bars, cafes and restaurants. Serving as a "heritage harbour", the canal has many historical wooden ships. Nyhavn was constructed by King Christian V from 1670-73, dug by Swedish war prisoners from the Dano-Swedish War 1658–1660. It is a gateway from the sea to the old inner city. Danish author Hans Christian Andersen lived at Nyhavn 18 for some years. You have to take a walk and admire the colored buildings and the ships and try a Danish beer, like Carlsberg or Tuborg, and eat a traditional sandwich called Smørrebrød.
Wikipedia For more information, links, pictures and many more Wikipedia is the perfect site to be informed.
Official Site For visiting information (like fees and open days and times) use the official site.
Denmark For travel information, the official site of the National Tourist Board, is the perfect location.
Denmark For travel information, the official site of the National Tourist Board, is the perfect location.
Chiar în centrul oraşului Copenhaga se află o zonă care oricum aţi face nu o să o pronunţaţi aşa cum o fac danezii: Nyhavn (portul nou în traducere liberă) – pare simplu dar nu e aşa. Este un canal din secolul al XVII-lea ce are de o parte şi de alta case colorate ce găzduiesc restaurante, cafenele şi baruri. Pe canal sunt numeroase vase istorice, majoritatea de lemn. A fost construit în timpul regelui Cristian al V-lea între 1670 şi 1673. Canalul a fost săpat înainte de prizonierii suedezi şi făcea legătura cu centrul oraşului. La numărul 18 a locuit şi Hans Christian Andersen. Merită să faceţi o plimbare şi să admiraţi casele colorate şi vasele istorice, să beţi o bere tradiţional daneză (Carlsberg sau Tuborg) şi să mâncaţi un sandwich tradiţional Smørrebrød.