The place I want to share to you is for sure one of the most beautiful of Planet Earth and it is a top of the list for visiting in Africa, the place is called Victoria Falls and it is located in the south part of the black continent. The first European that traveled there was Scottish David Livingstone, and because of that, the only island of the falls bears his name. The name of the falls is in honor of his Queen of the British Empire. The indigenous name was 'Mosi-oa-Tunya', literally meaning the 'Smoke that Thunders'. From 1989 it is part of the UNESCO World Heritage for Zambia and Zimbabwe because it is located on the border between the two countries. In 1905 was inaugurated a bridge that facilitated the railway transport so the tourism flourish there from those early times because anyone could travel from South Africa to Belgian Congo. In those times Zambia was named Northern Rhodesia and Zimbabwe was Southern Rhodesia. It is said that about one billion tourists visit this beautiful place every year.
Wikipedia For more information, links, pictures and many more Wikipedia is the perfect site to be informed.
Official Site For visiting information (like fees and open days and times) use the official site.
Zambia Zimbabwe For travel information, the official site of the National Tourist Board, is the perfect location.
Zambia Zimbabwe For travel information, the official site of the National Tourist Board, is the perfect location.
Locul despre care vă povestesc este cu siguranţă unul din cele mai frumoase ale planetei şi un „top of the list” pentru când vizitaţi Africa, vorbim despre cascada Victoria din sudul continentului negru. Primul european care a cercetat locurile a fost celebrul scoţian David Livingstone şi astfel, singura insulă din mijlocul cascadei îi poartă numele. Numele ei a fost dat în onoarea reginei Imperiului Britanic, ea fiind cunoscută ca „Mosi-oa-Tunya”, adică „Fumul care trăsneşte”. Din 1989 este parte a Patrimoniului UNESCO pentru Zambia şi Zimbabwe, fiind pe graniţa celor două ţări, formată de fluviul Zambezi. În anii 1904-1905, s-a construit un pod care a facilitat transportul, inclusiv cel feroviar, de atunci putându-se călătorii cu trenul din Africa de Sud până în Congoul Belgian. Acolo s-a construit chiar şi un hotel fiind un loc foarte popular pentru cei din Imperiul Britanic. În acele vremuri Zambia se numea Rhodesia de Nord, iar Zimbabwe era Rhodesia de Sud. Se pare că un milion de turişti vizitează anual aceste locuri.
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