Belarus is not a favorite tourist destination but you have to make some research and you’ll find some amazing places to visit. First card of Belarus represents a reproduction of an old photo with the railway station of Brest. I don’t have much info about that place and I even do not know if that place still exists but I think it is a start for showing you that in Belarus you can find very beautiful places and I will show you those in time. Brest is situated close to the border of Poland; it was part of Poland until 1918. After that it was still a border town between Nazi Germany and Soviet Union, an important point on the railway from Berlin to Moscow. The influences of railways are still present today. In 2002 there was open an outdoor railway museum.
Update: Because I have written about WWII and Brest, I just got a card that is very beautiful from there. (I think that the creativity in Belarus is very good and I hope to visit that country one day and came back safe and sound.) The card represents a stone statue dedicated to the heroes of Brest, a memorial to those who have fought in the war.
Update: Because I have written about WWII and Brest, I just got a card that is very beautiful from there. (I think that the creativity in Belarus is very good and I hope to visit that country one day and came back safe and sound.) The card represents a stone statue dedicated to the heroes of Brest, a memorial to those who have fought in the war.
Wikipedia For more information, links, pictures and many more Wikipedia is the perfect site to be informed.
Official Site For visiting information (like fees and open days and times) use the official site.
Belarus For travel information, the official site of the National Tourist Board, is the perfect location.
Belarus For travel information, the official site of the National Tourist Board, is the perfect location.
Belarus nu e o destinaţie favorită pentru mulţi, dar eu chiar am o listă de obiective de vizitat acolo. Am o vedere ce reprezintă o reproducere a unei fotografi vechi cu fosta gară a oraşului Brest. Încă nu am descoperit pe net dacă mai există sau nu, dacă noua gară este construită pe rămăşiţele celei vechi, nu ştiu din păcate multe. Informaţia lipseşte sau este puţină şi de aceea am ales pentru Belarus un loc despre care nu ştiu multe, este caracteristic, trebuie să cauţi mult. Brestul este situat la graniţa Belarusului cu Polonia. În timpul Războiului Mondial se afla tot la graniţă, între Germania Nazistă şi Uniunea Sovietică. Era un punct important al magistralei Berlin-Moscova. Brest este un oraş care a fost influenţat de calea ferată, aşa că în 2002 a fost deschis un muzeu în aer liber cu locomotive vechi.
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