Friday, December 23, 2011

Maybe It Is Because of the Dimensions of Monaco

There is a small group of very small countries that have achieved enormous success. I do not know how they did it but maybe it is because of the dimensions for Singapore, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Qatar and Monaco. The small Principality on the Côte d'Azur has the same Grimaldy Family as the rulers from 1297, the year Francesco Grimaldy, Il Malizia (The Malicious One), conquered the small fortress while dressed as a Franciscan monk. Monaco became independent only in 1861 when its sovereignty was recognized by the Franco-Monegasque Treaty. The richness and fame came in 19th century because there was allowed to gamble. It is also a tax haven and that is why it became richer. Albert II, the Prince from Monaco, took part at Olympic Games and it is also a member of the International Olympic Committee, is a great promoter of sports in his country. That is why the famous Monte Carlo Formula One Grand Prix still exists and the football club AS Monaco is one of the best teams in the French league. The fascination about Monaco has grown even faster when Grace Kelly became a princess and the paparazzi had subjects about the family for more than 50 years.

43.732778,7.419722  Click for Google Maps or use numbers on your GPS to navigate.
Wikipedia For more information, links, pictures and many more Wikipedia is the perfect site to be informed.
Official Site For visiting information (like fees and open days and times) use the official site.
Monaco For travel information, the official site of the National Tourist Board, is the perfect location.

Există câteva ţări în lume care sunt foarte mici dar al căror succes este imens. Nu ştiu cum fac dar poate tocmai că dimensiunea nu contează pentru Singapore, Hong Kong, Luxemburg, Qatar şi Monaco. Principatul de pe Coasta de Azur este condus de familia Grimaldi din 1297, când Francesco Grimaldi, Il Malizia (nu cred că are sens să traduc), a cucerit cetatea fiind deghizat ca un călugăr franciscan. Principatul a devenit stat independent şi suveran abia 1861 când a fost semnat un tratat cu statul francez. Bogăţia şi notorietatea a venit în secolul al XIX-lea pentru că erau permise jocurile de noroc. Faptul că este un paradis fiscal a atras şi mai mulţi rezidenţi cu foarte mulţi bani. Albert al II-lea, actualul conducător al statului, participant la Jocurile Olimpice, membru al Comitetului Olimpic Internaţional, a susţinut sportul. Datorită lui este celebră cursa de Formula 1 de la Monte Carlo încă există dar şi echipa de fotbal AS Monaco este una din cele mai bune din campionatul francez. Fascinaţia pentru Monaco a crescut şi datorită actriţei Grace Kelly care a devenit prinţesă de Monaco şi paparazzi au avut ce fotografia timp de mai bine de 50 de ani întreaga familie.

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