The crisis is over and a new day will hopefully dawn. Questions are being asked.Some of the right questions are facilities and equipment for our police forces and what is the government doing..And media houses still want sound bites and we have spokespersons like Jayanthi Natarajan holding fort on " Mumbai spirit " and "resilience" and the politicians are doing , especially " someone like Sonia Gandhi who has suffered the loss of her husband.." Jayanthi even went to the extent to say that "she speaks on behalf of Congress and not the govt of India " ..why do we have to suffer such politicians ..and why is media doing such stories ? If it is not pontification, it is sensationalism or getting overdramatic..some of the well known anchors turn drama queens and mouth sentiments that will probably win them best actress awards..Just surfed and there was an old report on BBC on some of the international guests who had been released from the Trident-Oberois and most of them said they will come back to Mumbai. Something finally to feel good about..
Mumbai will pick itself up as it has always done . But this issue will soon become an "incident" and will probably be heard only in the studios in all the TV channels who will fan political opportunism by getting some of these trombones to speak and make a mockery of people's lives...and its sad that intelligent and sensitive people like us actually consume this nonsense ( and that included me , until now )
Let us salute the police, the army , the NSG and every single member who has fought for Mumbai's release. Let us salute the spirit of Hemant Karkare's wife who rejected the compensation, the courage and poise of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan's father and many others who have given up their lives ....
Will someone just beep Jayanthi Natarajan and her likes out and focus on the real issues ..
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