Frayed nerves and a tired mind came along with my incentive last quarter .Not to mention , an irritable mood with low tolerance and a nagging migrane that just refused to go away. A quick remedy was a short weekend getaway and so, it was a day trip to Rangantittu Bird Sanctuary , near Mysore

At first I thought it was a bad idea ... i ran away from people to see more people, loud and brash , the picnicking variety who come in hordes to scare even the birds away...but once we got into the waters for a short boat ride around the islands , it was a different experience

Several birds,mainly the migrants flocked in huge numbers, almost outnumbering the tourists who were waiting at the deck for the boats. The painted stork, herons, darters, cormorants are just some of them ...crocodiles are in plenty and you can often see them sun bathing or just lazing on the rocks ...

I am not too much into birds, but am slowly getting fascinated by the winged creatures...I am making another trip soon and will update if i see any rare varieties
Getting there
Just a couple of hours if you are driving from bangalore towards Mysore...a small deviation near srirangapatna and you are into this winged territory ..
Best time to visit - this is a tough one ...to me its throughout the year . If you however want to see migratory birds its October to March, but mainly during winter ...Its not an ideal period to visit during monsoons as there are ususally floods . Beware of crocodiles who are usually sunbathing on rocks